History of Classical Scholarship

CONRAD PEUTINGER: 388. Una niña se dirige al emperador Maximiliano I a inicios del siglo XVI: el discurso de Juliana Peutinger, Fortunatae, 25, 2014, pp. 343-349.

History / Ancient History / Cultural History / Cultural Studies / German Studies / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / World Literatures / Gender Studies / Classics / Latin Literature / Humanities / Women's Studies / Social Sciences / Literature / Renaissance Studies / Renaissance Humanism / Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Renaissance / Gender / Culture / Latin Epigraphy / History of Classical Scholarship / Classical philology / Roman Epigraphy / Classical Reception Studies / German Humanism / Historia / Ciências Sociais / Storia antica ed epigrafia latina / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Epigraphy / Ciencias Sociales / Storia / Epigrafia / Latin philology / Epigrafía / Epigrafía romana / Epigrafia romana / Classical Latin and Greek Philology / Peutinger / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / World Literatures / Gender Studies / Classics / Latin Literature / Humanities / Women's Studies / Social Sciences / Literature / Renaissance Studies / Renaissance Humanism / Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Renaissance / Gender / Culture / Latin Epigraphy / History of Classical Scholarship / Classical philology / Roman Epigraphy / Classical Reception Studies / German Humanism / Historia / Ciências Sociais / Storia antica ed epigrafia latina / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Epigraphy / Ciencias Sociales / Storia / Epigrafia / Latin philology / Epigrafía / Epigrafía romana / Epigrafia romana / Classical Latin and Greek Philology / Peutinger

Una aproximación a los studia epigraphica de Conrad Peutinger: el testimonio de las inscripciones hispanas, «Euphrosyne», 42 (2014), 119-134

Renaissance Studies / Renaissance Humanism / Manuscript Studies / Latin Epigraphy / History of Classical Scholarship / Humanism / Roman Epigraphy / Renaissance antiquarianism / German Humanism / Antiquarianism in the sixteenth century / Peutinger / Humanism / Roman Epigraphy / Renaissance antiquarianism / German Humanism / Antiquarianism in the sixteenth century / Peutinger

Seminario de Investigación \"Redes intelectuales y educativas en la transición del Antiguo Régimen a la contemporaneidad\", 12-V-2015

Cultural History / Print Culture / Basque Studies / Early Modern History / Manuscripts and Early Printed Books / Contemporary History / Enlightenment / History of Elites / History of Classical Scholarship / Printing History / Basque History / Spain (History) / Early modern Spain / Redes sociales / Historia Intelectual / Historia Política y Social Siglos XVIII-XIX / Historia del Libro / History of Navarre / Historia de la Educación / Ilustración / Historia Social Y Cultural / Historia Contemporánea de España / Historia Moderna De España / Contemporary History / Enlightenment / History of Elites / History of Classical Scholarship / Printing History / Basque History / Spain (History) / Early modern Spain / Redes sociales / Historia Intelectual / Historia Política y Social Siglos XVIII-XIX / Historia del Libro / History of Navarre / Historia de la Educación / Ilustración / Historia Social Y Cultural / Historia Contemporánea de España / Historia Moderna De España

Nihil nisi flere libet. Bernardo Clariana: Ovidio en Nueva York

History of Classical Scholarship / Classical Reception Studies / Catullus / Spanish poetry

Heréndira Téllez Nieto: \"La tradición gramatical clásica en la Nueva España: estudio y edición crítica de El arte de la lengua mexicana de fray Andrés de Olmos\". Tesis Doctoral

Nahuatl / History of Classical Scholarship / Historiography of Linguistics / Missionary Linguistics / Antonio de Nebrija / Humanismo / Traditional grammar / Historiografia Linguística / Humanismo / Traditional grammar / Historiografia Linguística

Łacińska leksykografia podręczna we współczesnej Polsce (maszynopis pracy licencjackiej, Katowice 2012) | Concise Latin dictionaries in contemporary Poland (bachelor thesis)

Classics / Lexicography / History of Classical Scholarship / Classical philology / Latin Language / Leksykografia / Latin Lexicography / Dictionaries / Historia Leksykografii / History of Lexicography / Metalexicografia / Bilingual Dictionary / Polish Lexicography / Dictionaries and Encyclopedias / Metalexicography / Leksykografia / Latin Lexicography / Dictionaries / Historia Leksykografii / History of Lexicography / Metalexicografia / Bilingual Dictionary / Polish Lexicography / Dictionaries and Encyclopedias / Metalexicography

Ancestral Fault in Ancient Greece (Paperback)

Classics / Greek Literature / History of Classical Scholarship / Ancient Greek Religion / Classical Receptions

L\'esegesi secondo Hermann. Sul De officio intepretis (1834), «Eikasmós» 13, 2002, 325-341

Cultural History / History of Classical Scholarship / History of philology

“Philosophia facta est quae philologia fuit”: Η Κλασική Φιλολογία κατά Φρήντριχ Νίτσε ως Φιλοσοφική Ερμηνευτική [Nietzsche\'s Classical Philology as a Philosophical Hermeneutics]

German Studies / Classics / Hermeneutics / Literary Theory / Friedrich Nietzsche / Nietzsche / History of Classical Scholarship / Classical philology / 19th-century German philosophy / Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, German philosophy / Philosophical Hermeneutics / Hermenéutica / Phenomenology/Post-Phenomenology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, Early Frankfurt School and Walter Benjamin, Marx and Western Marxism, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy and Literatureocial and / History of Classical Philology / Classics. Theory of Philology / Nietzsche / History of Classical Scholarship / Classical philology / 19th-century German philosophy / Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, German philosophy / Philosophical Hermeneutics / Hermenéutica / Phenomenology/Post-Phenomenology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, Early Frankfurt School and Walter Benjamin, Marx and Western Marxism, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy and Literatureocial and / History of Classical Philology / Classics. Theory of Philology

¿Alessandro Geraldini antiquitatum indagator? Su papel en los estudios epigráficos de inicios del s. XVI, «Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios latinos», 36:1 (2016), 71-84

Renaissance Studies / Renaissance Humanism / Italian Humanism / Latin Epigraphy / History of Classical Scholarship / Renaissance antiquarianism / Antiquarianism in the sixteenth century / Alessandro Geraldini / Renaissance antiquarianism / Antiquarianism in the sixteenth century / Alessandro Geraldini

El miedo a la tiranía: la protección de la democracia en el régimen político ateniense / Fear of Tyranny: Democracy Protection in Athenian Political Regime

Ancient History / Emotion / Classical Archaeology / Mythology / Classics / Greek Literature / Greek History / Plato / Aristotle / History and Classical tradition studies / History Of Emotions / Classical rhetoric / Athenian Democracy / Emotions (Social Psychology) / Sir Moses Finley / The Classical Tradition / History of Classical Scholarship / Classical philology / Democracy / Direct Democracy / Ancient Greek Religion / Thucydides / Xenophon / Archaic Greek history / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Classical Mythology / Greco-Roman Mythology / Aristotle's Politics / Historia Antiga / Archaic Greece / Plato and Aristotle / Histoire de la pensée antique ; philosophie archaïque et réception classique ; religions grecques et romaines, syncrétismes de l’Antiquité tardive / Athens / Pericles / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Passion / Classical Literature / Greco-Roman World / Historia Antigua Clásica / Grecia Antigua / Greek Tyranny / Classical Greek Tyranny / Jean-Pierre Vernant / Archeologia Classica / Atenas / Archéologie grecque / Nicole Loraux / Ancient Athens / Historia Antigua / Historia De Grecia Antigua / Pierre-Vidal Naquet / Ellen Meiksins Wood / Grecia / Demokratie / Ostracism / Politeia / Mythologie grecque / Histoire de l'art et archéologie de l'Antiquité grecque et romaine / Histoire Ancienne / Perikles / Tyrannoctones / Ancient Democracy / Athènes / La culture grecque à la rencontre de l’altérité : hellénisme / Philosophie Ancienne / G.E.M. De Ste. Croix / M.I. Finley / Histoire Grecque / Democratie de masse / Tyrannicides / Greek Literature / Greek History / Plato / Aristotle / History and Classical tradition studies / History Of Emotions / Classical rhetoric / Athenian Democracy / Emotions (Social Psychology) / Sir Moses Finley / The Classical Tradition / History of Classical Scholarship / Classical philology / Democracy / Direct Democracy / Ancient Greek Religion / Thucydides / Xenophon / Archaic Greek history / Classical Reception Studies / Ancient Greek History / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Classical Mythology / Greco-Roman Mythology / Aristotle's Politics / Historia Antiga / Archaic Greece / Plato and Aristotle / Histoire de la pensée antique ; philosophie archaïque et réception classique ; religions grecques et romaines, syncrétismes de l’Antiquité tardive / Athens / Pericles / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Passion / Classical Literature / Greco-Roman World / Historia Antigua Clásica / Grecia Antigua / Greek Tyranny / Classical Greek Tyranny / Jean-Pierre Vernant / Archeologia Classica / Atenas / Archéologie grecque / Nicole Loraux / Ancient Athens / Historia Antigua / Historia De Grecia Antigua / Pierre-Vidal Naquet / Ellen Meiksins Wood / Grecia / Demokratie / Ostracism / Politeia / Mythologie grecque / Histoire de l'art et archéologie de l'Antiquité grecque et romaine / Histoire Ancienne / Perikles / Tyrannoctones / Ancient Democracy / Athènes / La culture grecque à la rencontre de l’altérité : hellénisme / Philosophie Ancienne / G.E.M. De Ste. Croix / M.I. Finley / Histoire Grecque / Democratie de masse / Tyrannicides

HISTORIA AUGUSTA: 409.Génesis y evolución del texto de la Historia Augusta. Consideraciones a propósito de la Vita Pescenni Nigri, en J. Velaza, ed., From the Protohistory to the History of the Text, Frankfurt a.M. 2016 (Studien zur klassischen Philologie 173), pp. 313-332, bibliografia pp. 333-394.

History / Ancient History / Cultural History / Cultural Studies / Archaeology / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Latin Literature / Roman History / Humanities / Languages and Linguistics / Social Sciences / Cultural Heritage / Literature / Historiography / Textual Scholarship / Textual Criticism / Culture / The Classical Tradition / Latin Language and Literature / Social History / History of Classical Scholarship / Classical philology / Latin Language / History of Historiography / Classical Reception Studies / Roman Empire / Textual criticism (Classics) / History of mentality (Classics) / Historia / Literatura / Ciências Sociais / Scriptores Historiae Augustae / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Ciencias Sociales / Letteratura Latina / Letteratura Greca E Latina / Classical Literature / História / Letteratura / Historia Cultural / Isaurians, Roman Empire, Historia Augusta / Crítica textual / Humanities and Social Sciences / Roman Emperors / Latin philology / Historiografía / Humanidades / Literatura Romana / Textual Criticsm / Literatura Latina / Roman Archaeology / Historia Augusta / Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades / Letteratura Romana / Classics and Ancient History / Classical Archaeology / Classics / Latin Literature / Roman History / Humanities / Languages and Linguistics / Social Sciences / Cultural Heritage / Literature / Historiography / Textual Scholarship / Textual Criticism / Culture / The Classical Tradition / Latin Language and Literature / Social History / History of Classical Scholarship / Classical philology / Latin Language / History of Historiography / Classical Reception Studies / Roman Empire / Textual criticism (Classics) / History of mentality (Classics) / Historia / Literatura / Ciências Sociais / Scriptores Historiae Augustae / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Ciencias Sociales / Letteratura Latina / Letteratura Greca E Latina / Classical Literature / História / Letteratura / Historia Cultural / Isaurians, Roman Empire, Historia Augusta / Crítica textual / Humanities and Social Sciences / Roman Emperors / Latin philology / Historiografía / Humanidades / Literatura Romana / Textual Criticsm / Literatura Latina / Roman Archaeology / Historia Augusta / Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades / Letteratura Romana / Classics and Ancient History
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